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Dael’s Adventure Part 2

Start from the beginning
So it turns out The Eight Arms only had two positions open, and 6 applicants. Dael wasn’t too worried about succeeding, in fact he was pretty sure several of the others were far more qualified than he was as adventurers, but seeing the rest of them work together or at odds would probably be at least one worthwhile entry in his log book, and he could surely find some work elsewhere in the likely event he didn’t get one of the two openings.

Eight Arms : The Six Applicants

Dael: Aesthetic Monk and Drunken Master.

Solei: She looks like a fighter with her heavy armor, but seems by turns sneaky and arcane.

Honch: A big half-ork. His bearing says ex-military; something tells me he didn’t spend that much time in the front lines.

Vyrez: This one I’m not sure about. Maybe he’s a vampire? He looks half dead; he is certainly intimidating. I’m sure his story will be interesting. I kind of hope it’s the two of us so I can have a good excuse to ask him questions.

Mortia and Hubert: I’m not sure what to make of this mystical couple. Sometimes it seems like they are paying so much attention to each other they don’t see the wolf in front of them.

Ebonbiters bite off more than they can chew

In this instance, the proving would be in protecting a warehouse for the night. The desire was to not only prevent the looting of the warehouse, but also to capture alive as many possible. We arrived at the warehouse shortly before dusk. With basically no discussion of plan we each cased building on our own and then proceeded to surround the building in a vary obvious manner. Varyz and Honch both tried to be nonchalant, while Mortia attempted to break into one of the side doors. Meanwhile I’d stepped into a nearby bar and procured a large bottle of local swill, which wasn’t much better than water, though it certainly had a lot more character than most water does. With my ale in hand I could rest outside the bar and watch two of the exits.

A group of thugs approached, and well, I must admit the swill was a bit stronger than I expected and I took it upon myself to try and apprehend all three of them at once. In hindsight, I’m pretty sure there were more of them then my initial reckoning summed to, and I was rapidly overwhelmed. Fortunately Hubert came to my rescue and with his aid, as well as that of Vyrez we were able to knock out pretty much all of the thugs. I did not witness it first hand, but apparently at the same time a wererat and several giant rats snuck into the warehouse through a window, espied only by Solei who finished the job Mortia started and gained entrance through the side door.

Just as we were finishing off the thugs in the front of the building, a giant ice wolf and a manticore joined the scene making it a 3 way battle. Honch forced the front gate open and we joined battle against these terrifying beasts. After a hard fight against the wolf it turned into some sort of black goo, with the head of the wererat lying where it’s stomach had been. Fortunately for us this seemed to frighten off the Manticore.

I do wish I’d made it inside the warehouse sooner, I’m sure the wererat would have been a sight to behold while alive. That said, even if I don’t get the job, this night alone has already been fantastic enough that I doubt any of the elders will be unimpressed.


  1. This sounds pretty elaborate and suspicious. Were the Eight Arms somehow behind the attack on the warehouse, or did they know it was coming and put out the call for an audition so they could defend against it on the cheap? And what’s with all the exotic and fearsome creatures? Something strange is afoot.

    • The Eight Arms did suspect an attack so we were moderately prepared for the Ebonbiters to show up. The rest is decidedly suspicious. I got a bit behind in writing these (hence the triple post this week) and so the vagaries of memory have caused me to leave some bits out.

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