Who doesn’t want to rule a Tropical Island? I’ve played a few of the earlier versions so it shouldn’t be too hard… I’ve picked a custom avatar, a Professor put into power via a “velvet revolution” who is a hardworking entrepreneur with administrative experience.
I started off with a few farms. Two producing corn, and a Papaya farm for variety, plus a couple (not pictured here) Tobacco farms to make some money. now I just have wait for my loyal subjects to build them all.

The Church, Clinc and pub are all vital to infrastructure.
Downtown I’ve constructed a Church, Clinic and Pub… As well as a Museum near the palace. Hopefully these should make the people happier.
With minimal infrastructure surely I’m missing something. The Police Station and Ministry are now finished and a High School has been commissioned. The marketplace should help feed my people, but I need some better housing. Even with two tenement buildings, I’ve still got a small shanty town building up behind the police station.
And everyone loves me! Nation El President is awesome day is a huge success. And don’t believe anyone who says otherwise.