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State of the Blog

So it’s time to resurrect the blog, starting tomorrow (Friday) I’m going to try and get back into the 5 posts a week rhythm. I’m going to change the format up a little however as it’s been four years!

Mondays will remain Let’s Play… I’m thinking X-Com 2, but I’m open to suggestions, and I’ll need at least a week to actually figure out what I’m doing if it’s not going to be a very short campaign.

Board Game reviews will remain on Tuesdays… though I might focus more on my favorite games, with occasional worst or new games as an infrequent occurrence as opposed to my previous “whatever was on the table” approach.

Media Reviews will probably go away, or possibly be used as filler when I’m behind on a regular feature. Instead Wednesdays are going to be a hobby focus. I’ve been gluing metal and plastic together for  more than a decade and know a thing about a thing.

Thursdays will remain “Rant” day where I talk about whatever.

Fridays are going to be a new feature “Meet the Cult” where I take a day each week to focus on one of the many otherwise unremarkables who have devoted themselves to my Warhammer 40k cult of Slaanesh. Usually you hear about the backstory of the movers and shakers, which often becomes a bit of Mary-Sueism. So of the conversions I’ve done have been quite fun and I already have bits of story about these guys in my head so I’m going to flesh it out. You might learn a little bit about the big name characters in my 40k/AoS Slaanesh army by extension, but that won’t be the focus.

Choose Your Own Post unless there is popular demand, CYOP is going on indefinite hiatus. Once I get my writing chops back I may work on it as a separate project or something.


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