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Previous Page (B147). This is page B1474 of the Barbarian Story. This is your second life (the Troll Story ended poorly.) If you are confused go back to the start. If you want a different story make poor choices until you die or excellent choices until you win.

So much almost seems familiar, yet whatever sorcery has brought you to this fell place masks all but the most occasional feelings as to the true nature of your surroundings. Your trophy stashed safely in one of your pockets (you’ve noticed you have two at least, though neither are secret) you lope away into the nearby forest. A low wire fence gives you some difficulty, and you tear your pants further crossing, but once out of sight of the peasants you range north to find a vantage point to watch the proceedings.

This forest is pretty thin, maybe it belongs to a King or Duke, for there is little in the way of underbrush, and movement is easy. You might be able to find a suitable staff or club with a bit of searching. Your own possessions are also a bit of a mystery to you, so it might be worth investigating further. You also hear the sound of running water deeper in the forest to the East.

You have a lot of options this time.

CHOICE (B1474)5c Look for a hefty piece of wood I could use as a club while I move to a new vantage point.

CHOICE (B1474)5s Look for a stout piece of wood I could use as a staff while I move to a new vantage point.

CHOICE (B1474)6c Forget the terrible beast and head towards the water, looking for a hefty piece of wood as I go.

CHOICE (B1474)6s Forget the terrible beast and head towards the water, looking for a stout piece of wood as I go.

CHOICE (B1474)7c Once out of sight, I’ll take stock of what I have and find something hefty to defend myself with.

CHOICE (B1474)7s Once out of sight, I’ll take stock of what I have and find something stout to defend myself with.

CHOICE (B1474) 8 I’ll take stock of what I have while I move to a new vantage point.

CHOICE (B1474)9 I’ll head towards the water while I take stock of what I have.

One Comment

  1. Now is the time to survey my surroundings and take stock of the land which will soon be mine. I will prepare myself well, and then seek out a worthy adventure!

    CHOICE (B1474) 8

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