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Monthly Archives: August 2013

Coffee, games and hanging out with a cool person. I still feel kind of giddy.

Well… today WOULD have been the second day in two weeks where I could sleep in. Like, turn off my alarm clock entirely (I actually set it for noon), and just as sleep as long as my body would let me.

Nope. Of course not. One of my new roommate’s friends is over here banging around, shouting and making noise at 9:30am. So drunk my roommate fled into the house and locked the door, and then called the police when this guy drove off.

On the bright side I got some painting done while watching Killing them Softly and Hitchcock. Nice. I forgot how much I like Hitchcock’s work, so a biography was pretty excellent. Then we played some Dungeon World at the game store.

I leave for gencon in 2.5 days! Can’t wait!

So, I’m afraid I’m going to be lazy, and just link to a G+ album.


magnetsAnyway, you can see a number weapons in this picture, and in the linked album there are some actual models that the equipment would be put on.


So I think I can objectively lay claim to being awesome. Admittedly, in the limited arena of Role-Playing, but still.

Today I got a standing ovation during a game. When was that last time you got a standing ovation for anything, much less the accurate portrayal of an uplifted dolphin dealing with the confusing messiness of human relations.

I suppose I should back up a few steps here and start from the beginning, or something vaguely resembling it. We are playing Apocalypse World (the Actual Plays should start going up on I Podcast Magic Missile soon) and if you keep reading, there may be minor spoilers, but I’ll be frank, it doesn’t matter that much. Unless you’re an absolute purest, forge ahead, spoilers bedamned!

Anyways, we’re playing AW, we have a Brainer, Gun-Lugger, Maestro’D and Skinner. Also, we have one of the weirder Kickstarter stretch goals, the Space Marine Mammal (played by yours truly).  One of the caveats our MC put in place was that if I were to choose the SMM I’d have to run it straight, and I am. That’s not to say some hilarity doesn’t ensue, but Susan has nothing on Man as far as silliness goes. And yeah, our Gun-Lugger’s name is Man.

So anyways, last time Man got poisoned, and didn’t really start to kick in until this session. Susan ended up picking up Man and flying him to his mom’s house, and then, when it became apparent she couldn’t actually help him, and might be totes crazy, flew back to Silver’s Goldmine to seek medical attention for him. Once there it became apparent that his employer might not have Man’s best interests at heart, and so Susan sought the advice of onboard AI. You’ll just have to listen to the AP to hear justice done, because I certainly can’t reproduce the scene here with sufficient accuracy. However my rendition of the situation, and Susan’s reasoning was enough to cause two players to stand up and clap.

Yeah, I’m doing it right. Now I just need to figure out how to make enough money to live RPing.

Still, no pictures, because I’m lame. Maybe I’ll remember tomorrow. However the magnets I use are rare earth magnets. We actually carry them at FNG for exactly this purpose, though I did pick up some from Think Geek before they became popular for use in minis. The ones I use are 1/8″x1/16″ discs. I am careful to always check magnets against previously assembled pieces so that the polarity matches up. Pretty much every model I have that uses a flying base now has a magnet in it, whether it’s a Battle Fleet Gothic Eldar ship, Tau Gun Drone, eldar Jetbike or whatever. The smaller ones are just a little too tiny I’ve found. Though I have seen folks only who have used two of the 16x32ers.

They’re pretty sweet. I’ll try and get some pictures up this weekend, but I’ve been putting magnets in my Eldar army for 40k. Both in the arms and on guns. This way I can easily swap what goes where. I can field my Autarch on a Jetbike with a witchblade one week, and then drop a Singing Spear on him the next. Need to pop tanks? I can stick bright lances on my War Walkers. Up against a swarm army? A pair of scatter lasers. It’s gonna be hot. Of course, now I just need to paint all of this stuff… it’s not like I already have a queue of a million miniatures to paint. Oh wait.

I guess I better get to it.