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They’re pretty sweet. I’ll try and get some pictures up this weekend, but I’ve been putting magnets in my Eldar army for 40k. Both in the arms and on guns. This way I can easily swap what goes where. I can field my Autarch on a Jetbike with a witchblade one week, and then drop a Singing Spear on him the next. Need to pop tanks? I can stick bright lances on my War Walkers. Up against a swarm army? A pair of scatter lasers. It’s gonna be hot. Of course, now I just need to paint all of this stuff… it’s not like I already have a queue of a million miniatures to paint. Oh wait.

I guess I better get to it.

One Comment

  1. That’s a cool idea. How do you find magnets small enough for them to be inobtrusive and not make the minis look odd? I’d like to see those pics, indeed.

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