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Category Archives: Meet the Cultists

Rheatrivix and Khaslillie’s fucking awesome band has many members, from vaunted Chaos Space Marines down to lowly chaos cultists. This is the stories of the lowest of the low.

Meet The Cultist is a weekly feature focusing on some of the least regarded members of a Warhammer 40k Chaos Army, the cultists. In the game they are cannon fodder or a distraction at best, yet I find examining the sonder of their lives interesting. While chronology isn’t particularly important, you can start at the beginning if you care about reading them in order.

Taloneus joined the cult while barely a teenager. He likes watching the world burn, cats, watching the sun rise, especially when the smoke from a burning world tints the clouds those amazing reds and purples. Rumor has it that Taloneus eats the cats that he collects, as he never seems to have more than two or three at a time, but in actuality he trains them, cybernetically augments them, and then releases them into new environments. Of course the rest of the cult never sees this as they rarely visit worlds they’ve ravaged in raids, but even if they do who is going to notice a slightly increased feral cat population.

Taloneus is most adept with the physiology of animals, but is a practiced hand with humans as well, and is the closest things the cultists have to an Apothecary, though what cyber-limbs Taloneus has installed have really only taken with extensive blessings from Slaanesh, it’s pretty obvious w/out divine (as far as the cultists are concerned) intervention most of his modifications wouldn’t have taken. That said not all of his “improvements” have been successful; his ministrations are usually sought as a last ditch effort as several recipients have died or rejected the implants. He claims they were weak of faith, andthis is widely accepted to be the case.

There was even one time when another cultist’s devotion was called into question and as a means of  testing his faith they cut off Rhygore’s left arm, and had Taloneous replace it with a mechanical tentacle. Fortunately for Rhygore Slaanesh smiled on him, after distinguishing himself in the next raid the arm grew a fleshy covering, giving super human strength, and setting to rest any possibility of lack of faith on his part.

Meet The Cultist is a weekly feature focusing on some of the least regarded members of a Warhammer 40k Chaos Army, the cultists. In the game they are cannon fodder or a distraction at best, yet I find examining the sonder of their lives interesting. While chronology isn’t particularly important, you can start at the beginning if you care about reading them in order.

Rhygore was long considered a little weird by the other cultists, which is saying a lot. His fascination with silence, and lack of sensation caused his faith in Slaanesh and the tenets of the cult to be called into question. Unable to satisfactorily explain how complete silence was as much an extreme pleasure as cacophonous noise they ultimate test of faith was administered, his left arm was sawed off, and a new bionic implant was affixed by Taloneus and blessed by Mobeius. Rhygore’s devotion was apparently true for not only did the metallic tentacle take, it was covered with beautiful flexible flesh, even gaining a rasp on the end that secreted a toxin not unlike that which coats the tongues of Seekers.

In controlled quantities the toxin has a similar effect to the Soporific musk the Seekers emit as well as some pleasant hallucinogenic properties. Rhygore demands a fairly high price from his fellow cultists in exchange for allowing his tentacle to be “milked” … though he does hold a bit of a grudge and the surviving cultists who were most directly responsible for putting him under Taloneus’s ministration are absolutely forbidden from partaking in the resulting decoction. Whilst Taloneus did administer the replacement arm, he was not one of those who called his devotion into question and so is not beholden by the ban.

Meet The Cultist is a weekly feature focusing on some of the least regarded members of a Warhammer 40k Chaos Army, the cultists. In the game they are cannon fodder or a distraction at best, yet I find examining the sonder of their lives interesting. While chronology isn’t particularly important, you can start at the beginning if you care about reading them in order.

Lugax’s passion is being not just average, but super average. If you pick any one thing someone else in the cult will be better at it then him. However if you pick any skill, any obsession, even with his average abilities across the board he’s probably better than a randomly picked other cultist. He can sing, but isn’t fantastic at it. He’s a pretty good shot with a pistol or rifle, and is handy with his mace. In post raid debauchery he’s never the first (or last) to pass out. He has the faintest psychic ability, but can’t do anything spectacular with it. He takes Seanan’s silver regimen, dies his hair, but not his beard. Plays CrimeHive with Zygor though he’s not very good.

His one “claim to fame” would be that he is one of the most agile cultists in zero gravity, however fortunately for his desire of mediocrity the cult is so rarely called upon to perform in low/no gravity that his skills in that regard remain unknown.

Meet The Cultist is a weekly feature focusing on some of the least regarded members of a Warhammer 40k Chaos Army, the cultists. In the game they are cannon fodder or a distraction at best, yet I find examining the sonder of their lives interesting. While chronology isn’t particularly important, you can start at the beginning if you care about reading them in order.

Kaduk likes obscure and foreign music. If he can’t understand the words he isn’t bothered at all. Because of the fractured nature of the galaxy Kaduk has ended up collecting media players in addition to any tapes, disk, crystals, ‘cubes or even more obscure recording media. All his time spent repairing the devices so he can listen to his weird ass music has taught him a thing or to about electronics and he’s often brought broken archeotech by the rest of the cult to repair.

His other obsession is birds, or really, any flighted beast. His current gag is due to a recent incident where the morning after a particularly brutal revelry, while most everyone was nursing a hangover of one sort or another, Kudak spotted a rare owl-like creature, and began hooting up a storm trying to entice it close enough to capture.

Not Safe For Work Christmas Special. If plastic naughty bits offend, stop reading now! Read More »

Now that Iradrüll has achieved Exalted Daemonhood, all that’s left is to achieve is freeing Slaanesh. She’s assembled a mighty force of Daemon Princesses and Keepers of Secrets, however ultimately what she needs is mortal worshipers. A dozen warp entities can’t be everywhere, so she’s collected her most exalted champions to achieve a feat that will put a spark in the hearts of mortals throughout the realms. As an added bonus cooperating with armies from the other four grand alliances can only only plant seeds of interest in the hearts of mortals throughout the realms. Here then is a record for the scribes of the great and beautiful forces who will be brought to bear in the great battle to defeat Red.

A’vagarnur: This fiery haired Keeper of Secrets is one of the most “well known” Keepers, being content to present herself in front or mortals, her perfect brown skin being temptation enough to draw them towards Slaanesh’s embrace before disappearing back into the warp. While most mortals who have seen her are sure that she has told them some supremely important secret, her thick drawl leaves them unable to elucidate what it was, and as desirous as ever of seeking out the answer.

Eaddil’ammur: This pink tinted Keeper of Secrets is probably the most cunning of Iradrüll’s host. She is responsible for numerous innovations in the mortal followers she’s inspired, including the devastating seeker chariots. Most would be surprised to know she was largely responsible for developing Scrolls of Denial, especially now that the “denial” spell is pretty much requisite for any wizard.

Aernel Ivley: This Blue Skinned Keeper of Secrets, like many Slaaneshii Daemons, has mutable sex characteristics but even more disturbing can store the seed and eggs(you don’t want to know the details) of mortals she copulates with within erself, later combining them and birthing these new … creations; many spawn are born from Aernel, but many creatures of perfection as well.

Mureenas Rtus: Mureenas believes that the other alliances (Order, Death and Destruction) can’t be beaten individually and has worked to bring concord amongst the factions of chaos as weird as that sounds. Her empathy in these matters has lead to several great powers offering obeisance to Slaanesh over their previously preferred ruinous powers.

Lysha Naph: This Daemon Princess has enough breasts to make the triple breasted whore of Eroticon Six feel ashamed. Yet her network of devotees who whisper secrets to her in their nightly prayers is so extensive that she is one of the most informative Daemon’s in Iradrüll’s host.

Maerkari: {Nurgle} One of several Daemon’s whose allegiance is split, Maerkari’s experimentation with warpstone has lead to some stunning results. Whether the results are more diseases or less is hard to tell, but ultimately the afflicted aren’t suffering so even if Nurgle and Slaanesh are working together, who is to complain?

Maeren’neeg: {Khorne} One of several Daemon’s whose allegiance is split, she probably has the hardest time reconciling her devotion to Khorne and Slaanesh. Her ability to grant boons to mortals however is unsurpassed, sometimes even allowing them to meld with Steeds. Her followers are fearsome in combat, and excel above all others.

Zimoon’ebovay: {Tzeentch} One of several Daemon’s whose allegiance is split, her concerns towards equality largely go unregarded in the wartorn realms yet her devotees are those most likely to have their ears or fingers involved in any Rubicons that other factions are working towards.

Khaslillie: The instigator of Khaslillie and Rheatravix’s Awesome Fucking Band, at Iradrüll’s request she’s returned to the Eye of terror for a “reunion tour”. What could go wrong?